Quarry Revegetation
Practical Solutions to optimise results

Quarry Revegetation
Practical Solutions
to optimise results
Site preparation is the key to successful long-term rehabilitation of quarry sites.
PALS will formulate a “plan of attack” detailing operations, scheduling and implementation of all key operations to optimise the result.
Dragging the stock pile of top soil back over the quarry is ideal but in many cases this is full of weeds and very limited in seed supply.
Deep Ripping
Deep ripping will ensure the trees roots will penetrate the sub soils in search for moisture. Incorporating native local species to the site is paramount to ensure the site is returned to originality as quick as possible. Establishing vegetation on sites where the topsoils/gravel have been stripped from the surface can be challenging therefore site preparation and specie selection is the key to good long term established sites.

Deep ripping is the key to good long-term tree establishment, especially in low rainfall regions.
Case Study
Main Roads West Australia (MRWA)
West Australia
PALS has been working with the MRWA roadside revegetation team for over 10 years. Quarry revegetation is challenging working with minimal top soil to work with. Site preparation is the key to successful establishment. All sites are continually monitored for some 3 years by PALS and infilling and maintenance programs are implemented to meet the desire densities.

Stage 1 of rehabilitation of quarry. 6-month-old plantings