Mine Revegetation
Working alongside
WA mining industry
environmental teams

Civil, mining
land development
contracting services
PALS work alongside WA mining industry environmental teams, helping them fulfil their environmental obligations.
PAL’s expertise in low rainfall tree establishment ensures the projects are carried out efficiently. The qualified planting team implement the works with minimal fuss to ensure the outcomes are met on time and on budget.
Case Study
Western Areas
Forrestania WA
Western Areas environmental team contracted PALS to implement Stage 1 of the revegetation of the sand pit quarries. PALS prepared the site(s), implemented the direct seeding, planted seedlings and assisted with monitoring the plantings.

Direct seeding and planting team.

Specific sites and soil types require specific seed mixes. On some sites up to 15 different seeds are blended, resulting in excellent long-term biodiversity.